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Soil Health Card Scheme

Soil health card yojana is launched by newer model year of February 2017 by PM Narendra Modi. In this scheme, Government provides a social card. In this scheme, the main benefit to check study of soil quality and accordingly good crops. If the soil quality is not good the the The government will provide that one card 14 crore farmers. Soil Health Card scheme is very beneficial for all Indian farmer. All of Beneficial Farmer can take benefits of this scheme and according to the government’s test of soil farmer, they can take benefits. In this health card government test your soil and the report will be according to your farm and take lot of benefits.


  • SHC will help the farmers to get the nutrient content in the soil and to remove the deficiency of these elements, to improve the soil health and to increase its productivity, it will help in achieving the recommendations of the appropriate quantity of nutrients.
  • Under this, once in three years, there is a plan to evaluate the soil health level of all kharts in the country so that the nutrient deficiencies in the soil can be improved by improving them. In this direction, the SHC works have been started in every block by soil testing centers under the Department of Agriculture of Uttar Pradesh.
  • Empowering the activities of Soil Testing Laboratories involving capacity building, agricultural science students in connection with the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) and National Agricultural Schools (SAUs).
  • To identify and analyze soil fertility obstacles along with standardized procedures for soil sampling in states and to prepare suggestions for different taluka / block level fertilizers.
  • To build capacity of progressive farmers along with district and state level employees to promote nutritious management practices.
  • Motivating farmers to cultivate by using technology innovation and innovative experiments and helping in adopting a relevant crop circle in the field of special soil.

Importance of Soil Health Card Scheme


  • In this scheme our Indian government vision Include 14 crore Farmer.
  • In this Soil Health card scheme, Indian government provides a report of soil testing and in this soil testing.
  • In this scheme every 3 year government provides a social card.


Benefits of Soil Health Card Scheme


  • In this scheme, Government test soil is very clear and told farmer who is one crop you can grow up in the Farm. And all the soil quality like Alkalinity, Salinity, Acidity and Provide a report all of soil testing.
  • In this soil testing our all of agricultural experts of this field and provided better and better things.
  • That one social card will tell you all of soil shortage so that the farmer will grow up that time and government expert will also tell you which one compost need in soil.
  • That one scheme is the main find type of soil and which type we will Improve that things


How can a farmer use Soil Health Card?

The advice will be contained on the basis of the soft nutrient status of the farmer’s holding in the card. It will show the recommendations regarding the quantity of various essential nutrients. Apart from this, farmers will be advised in respect to fertilizers and their quantity which they should use and advice on the condition of soil improvement also, which should be utilized so that the beneficial benefits of yield can be obtained.


Will the farmers get a card each year and for each crop?

It will be made available after 3 year intervals, which will show the condition of the wellness of the farmers’ holdings for that period. The SHC given in the next 3 years will be able to record changes in the Soil Health for that follow-up period.


What is the standard for sampling?

With the help of GPS sampling GPS device and revenue maps, the irrigated area will be 2.5% and rain will be taken from the grid of 10 in the irrigated area.


What is the proper time to take Soil Samples?

After the harvesting of Rabi and Kharif crops respectively, the Soil samples are usually taken twice a year, or when there is no crop in the field.


How to collect Soil Samples from farmer’s farm?

Soil samples are top be be collected by trained persons with a 15 to 20 meters depth after the harvesting of Soil in the “V” shapes. It is to be collected from 4 corners and middle of the field as well as will be mixed completely and one part of it will be taken as samples. The area with shadows will be left. The selected sample will be closed in the bag and the code number will be given. After this it will be sent to the Soil Inquiry Laboratory for analysis.


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Soil Health Card is a printed report which will be given to the farmer for each of his zets. It consists of 12 parameters such as NPK (main nutrient); Sulfur (alkaline); Zinc, Ferrous, Copper, Magnesium, Boron (Micro-nutrient); And the pH, corresponding to the OC (physical parameter), will be in the position of their son. Based on this, the Soil Health Card will also show the required oil improvement and fertilizer recommendations for cultivation.


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